Saturday, January 09, 2010

I've just watched Stu and Sophia head off into the winter wonderland of the snow covered park, my heart longing to join them but my head firmly fixatated on getting my dissertation ready to hand in on Monday. Finished or not, whatever I have produced by the end of Monday is being submitted for comment, as I need a few weeks to do the re-writes which I am sure will be forth-coming. I am finding this final year of study incredibly challenging and exhausting. Part of me wonders how on earth I am going to find the time to undertake all the work which needs to be done. There is no respite after handing my dissertation in at the end of January: thereafter are two essays, then revision for 4 exams in May/June. Sometimes I think I need my head checked. I will find a way through, because I have to, because I want to, because it still interestes and engages me, but I may well be certifiable by the end of it all. I wasn't going to bother going to my graduation ceremony over the summer, dressing up in the gown and all that, but if I get through the next 6 months, and pass my degree, I'm bloody well going to celebrate it. I've worked my ar*e off to get this far and making it through to the end of exams is going to be a stretch. If I make it through, I will be acknowledging the hundreds of hours I have put into this qualification, and then I might have a wee lie down, small person permitting ;)

Sophs and I did manage a few fabulous ventures into the snow-laden park during the week, rugging up like marshmallow (wo)men to combat the 2 degree outside temperature. We made snowmen, threw snowballs, crunched footprints with biiiiiig steps and little steps, and just savoured the texture and taste and sound and sight of the acres of snow around us. Although, on balance, as beautiful as it is, I'd rather be in a heatwave!