Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hiding under her little table draped with a blanket is one of Soph's new favourite past-times. She hasn't quite sussed that she needs to change hiding spots, or that her peals of laughter as we 'look' for her under soft toys and behind books are a teensy bit of a give away, but we just play along, delighting in her delight at this new game.
She's teething again and her poor little cheeks are so pink in this pic. But ever the little trooper and happy little girl that she usually is she is still smiling :)

We call this 'Blue Steel'. We're working our way up to 'Magnum'. And if you have no idea what I'm talking about you really should watch this movie:

Pic taken today in Regent's Park, no prompting to pose required, this is actually how she was lounging against the fence and the face she pulled when she saw the camera!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I'm almost overwhelmed by how much is going on in my mind of in brief, here follow some of what's been on my mind and in my life of late.

Butterflies hatched and released, they were reluctant to leave their home, it was all they had known since emerging from their cocoon, but with a little coaxing these incredible creatures fluttered away on the breeze to sample the countryside pleasures around where they were released. I am going to order some more caterpillars (the things you can buy on the internet!) so we can grow some more :)

A sprinkle of rain...a shimmer of sunlight...and nature's diamonds are revealed...

With cousins Freddie and a speedy little Jemima at Easter Sunday lunch at Iain and Cesca's - as always Iain produced the most mouth wateringly magnificent fare...and I need the recipe for Cesca's dessert! Sadly Sophia will have no more cousins in the UK as Iain and family are migrating to Singapore in May to follow business opportunities...

On the Spa Valley Railway steam train at Tunbridge Wells, which we went on over the Easter weekend. Sophs is really into choo-choos at the moment and I bought her a little train set from Ikea at the weekend, as well as a talking Thomas the Tank Engine.

Unfortunately just as we walked by the glossy black main Engine they released the excess steam with a very loud hisssssssss and a cloud of puffy humid white steam, and then pulled the very loud, very shrill whistle. I don't think Sophia could have gripped me any tighter! Once on the train she was much more excited when it started moving, and by the end of the trip was running up and down the carriages in delight.

Lionel the lion is a new addition to the family. We found him at a jumble sale, Sophs spied him as we walked by, said 'roar', put her arms out, and I got my wallet out! He is her new best friend, and when she can't find him she signs 'where is?' and says 'Liiinell'??

Sophia had a splashingly fabulous time in the puddles outside the town hall in Wadhust over Easter. After refusing to wear her wellies all winter long, they are now her favourite shoes and she wears them whenever she can. We spent 20 minutes running from puddle to puddle and jumping about as much as her little legs could manage!

Monkey see monkey do....putting 'makeup' (textas/marker pens, luckily washable kiddie friendly ones!) on just like Mummy!

I do love this photo of my precious little girl. I am still so in love with her, especially when she throws her arms around my neck and kisses me, my heart swells with pure joy. She is chattering away so much in her sweet little voice now, we hear new words every day now, and she is trying so hard to string them all together and tell us all the things that are on her mind.