Thursday, November 26, 2009

Random conversations with a 2 and a bit year old:

#1 - during a conversation about what sort of Christmas tree decorations to purchase:
Sophia - "I need lights that do binklings Mummy"
Mummy - "Binklings?"
Sophia - "yes Mummy, like this (holds hands up and opens and closes and opens and closes them)"
Mummy - "Aaaaaah, blinking Christmas tree lights!"
Sophia - (said as though I was a complete muppet) "Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees Mummy, binkling lights!"

#2 - watching the newly installed lights on the christmas tree, and then holding up her hands and opening and closing them in time with the lights:
Sophia - "Mummy, I doing binklings!"

#3 - After I got a 250Volt electric shock, Sophia, very concerned at Mummy who was now sitting down holding her hand looking a little stunned:
Sophia - (coming over to me, taking my hand in one of hers, and using the other hand to reach onto where I shocked myself and grab the area before turning around and throwing it away) "Mummy I throwed your ouch away, all better now?"

#4 - After Sophia heard a series of 'no don't do that/stop/no/that's enough' she burst into tears. During a cuddle several minutes later:
Sophia - "I crying Mummy"
Mummy - "I know darling I can see that you're upset, I'm sorry you're crying, can you tell me why you are crying?"
Sophia - "Mummy was too bossy (intake of ragged teary breath, her tear streaked little face looking solemn)"
At which point I couldn't help myself and burst out laughing and was soon joined by Sophia who also saw the funny side. Talk about being told off by a toddler. I love that she brings me into line and can remind me of just how respectfully she likes to be, and deserves to be treated.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sophski is now out of nappies during the day. I can't take a huge deal of credit for it, apart from a few homemade sticker reward charts for each potty use she pretty much decided it was time, learned to read her body's signals, and got on with it! I have been told by many other mums how lucky we are, with how 'easy' it's been for us. All I have to say to that is about bl**dy time something was 'easy'! The tiara and wand in this pic was a reward for getting 20 stickers. After I promised a £15 toy for the first sticker chart, and she got to 20 stickers within 3 days, I thought I'd better find some cheaper incentives for subsequent charts!
I really can't complain about my delightful little girl, she is a blessing in every way. She is full of humour, happy cheeky grins, light and energy and bounces around the house including you in her adventures. We recently appropriated a christmas card holder set to be a washing line for her dolly clothes - the pegs to hold the cards were the perfect size for her little hands. She has a mini washing machine that makes washing sounds and spins just like a real one, and we spend time 'washing' and hanging out all the dolly clothes, then having a tea party while they dry.
We had a lovely morning at an Art pottery shop this week where you choose an item, decorate it, then collect it a week later. We chose a triangular shaped plate, stuck love heart stickers all over it, and then Sophs painted it purple. After peeling the hearts off we now have a pretty little plate that I hope makes it through the glazing and firing process!
Sophs is feeling better, Stu has been in bed all day with the flu, I am in good health (nice change!) and hoping to stay that way as I plough through my to do list (which only ever seems to get longer). Someone said Christmas is only 6 weeks away. I better get on with getting ready for it, time to order the turkey...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

It's been an odd few weeks. I always feel gloomy when the clocks are turned back, and it hasn't helped that Sophia has been fighting off a viral infection for the past week or so. Last night my poor beautiful girl couldn't lie down without being in the most heart wrenching pain, and could only sleep half-sitting/lying upright, until, all of us exhausted at around 4am, passed out for the next few hours. I'm keeping her home and near me tomorrow, study will have to wait.

Unfortunately I had day 3 of Master Practitioner training in hypnotherapy today, which was due to start at 9.30am. I woke at 9.00am. I was there at 9.40am. How I managed that I don't know.

It was a fascinating weekend which again made me realise how much I love the mind, and what it is capable of, as well as how much I love language and its power. I love that the training I have chosen is so respectful of each individual, and doesn't try to impose a one size fits all solution.

I haven't said a great deal about my training in the past, or what I can do as a hypnotherapist, but that's all going to change :) I have let other people's misconceptions about hypnotism keep me quiet, but I have seen often enough that the techniques I use can and do work, and I can finally say that I am proud of what I can do with them. Like most things in life, it's not for everyone. But it works for me, and for the people who I have worked with, and some time very very soon when someone asks me what I do for a living, I will be able to say, with congruency and conviction, that I am a cognitive hypnotherapist.

Now about that sleep I need...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Having forgotten to charge the battery on my MP3 player Sophia couldn't listen to 'my music Mummy!' on the way to nursery yesterday morning. I charged the player during the day, and had it ready for afternoon collection time.

Sophs was delighted when she heard her music coming on:
'Mummy you chujjed (charged) it!'
'Yes darling I did'
Sophia starting clapping me from the back seat, and in the same exuberant tone as I use for praising her said:
'Well done Mummy, well done, that's great'!

And my heart went all gooey...

Friday, November 06, 2009

Our minimalist approach to halloween!

I am guilty of not being emotionally and mentally present with Sophia the past few weeks, just so much going through my mind, trying to work out how it all gets done within the non-neogtiable deadlines.

My beautiful child put paid to this state of mind a few days ago, when, instead of being with her I was on the computer. Sophs came in and said 'Mummy come to the living (or 'libbing') room'. I started to make some feeble protest so she held both her hands up to me and said 'Come on Mummy, now!'. She led me into the living room, said 'stop', turned to her CD player which she had paused, hit the 'play' button, and said 'Just dance!' as the Hokey Pokey started playing. So I let it all go and we danced. And danced. And danced some more. Crazy, dance like nobody is watching, laugh out loud with the joy of it all dancing. Sophs got my attention, which she so deserves, and I got a reminder of what is most important in my life.

Sophia: I want some Shreddies (cereal)
Dadddy: Where are your manners?
Sophia: (pointing to corner) Over there!