Wednesday, March 16, 2005

"It’s been emotional".

1) We moved house in zero degree temperatures and snow flurries. Not recommended.

NOTE – when it’s zero degrees don’t even think about putting your windscreen wipers on even if you can’t see out properly - the water freezes instantly (but very prettily!) across the entire windscreen and your husband gets cross when he’s sent out to scrape it off with no gloves and a credit card.

2) New flat is fab, still unpacking, taking forever as we’re never there! Very comfy, feels like home, pics being taken and going up over Easter. Looking forward to finishing the upacking and getting it in order.
3) Exam timetable went up today – May 23, 25 and June 10. It’s good to have a D-Day to motivate myself.
4) My week-long NLP course is the first week of April – can’t wait! NLP = Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
5) The birdies found my bird feeders this morning much to my delight! Visitors so far are two red robins – my favourite – with the most exquisite bird song! Only took them half a week to locate them!
6) Carmel arrives this weekend for a few days – looking forward to catching up :)
7) It’s 15 degrees today, sunny, and it feels like Spring! YAY!