Friday, November 28, 2008

So, I finally worked out a way to buy some time, at a hefty price. I've sold my house in Perth, and I resigned from work on Tuesday. Now I have to work a three month notice period, and wait for the last few details of the sale to be finalised (the conditions of sale have been met, so it's just the paperwork to get through). It's been a big decision, and it's been quite a week. I'm still processing the changes which will happen next year. It's still not quite real, that I will have made my escape and be able to be a Mum to my beautiful girl, to have the time to give to her that I want. To not have to run from one end of the day to the other, to start the week exhausted and to finish the week shattered, to carry the enormous guilt mountain around with me every day as I try to give my attention and time to everything and everyone that requests it, only to feel like I fail them all dismally.

We'll be celebrating Sophia' 2nd birthday in Perth, if you're around the weekend closest to July 23rd keep it free!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

After a long week of no sleep and time off work caring for a sick little Sophs we went away for a long weekend to Stu's Mum's place. The three things Sophia just loves about going there are:
1) the stairs (see video)
2) the bowl of plastic lids which she carts around, empties, puts back in, repeat endlessly
3) the piano

She's back to sleeping and eating again this week, for which we are grateful and thankful. While it's wonderful having her nestled in your arms or on your lap, it's very uncharacteristic for our bubbly, giggly, wonderful little daughter.

After a classical, gentle beginning Sophia starts on some fusion jazz before realising the camera is on her...

Either that or she's just bashing the cr*p out of the keys!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

We had a lovely time at Edward's first birthday party on Saturday. Except that my child turned out to be the one who beats all the other kids up, much to my horror. A few presents were opened in front of everyone, and being small children who can't yet speak, the pecking order was established by phyisical means. I walked into a room at just the moment that Sophia decided it was her turn on Edward's new scooter and witnessed her walking over to poor little Jones (age 13 months) and pushing him over backwards with both hands. After a swift telling off, howls of tears (from both Jones and Sophia who doesn't enjoy it when Mummy says 'no') and a five minute time out away from everyone while I tried to explain why we don't hit people (no I don't know why I tried to reason with my 15 month old either), little miss bossy britches marches up to Jones again and whacks him on the head. I am beyond mortified by this point. Another telling off and further tears all around serve no real purpose, but Jones has now worked out who to avoid - the next time Sophia walks into the room the poor little man backs away as fast as he can not taking his eyes off my little bruiser. I can't believe my little cherub (look how sweet she looks with Daddy in this pic!) reckons she's top of the pecking order!

Sophs is developing at an amazing rate, she is copying the words we say and has a basic vocabulary of about ten words now (note to self, really must stop swearing so much). I love listening to her sweet little voice, and how she sings little songs to herself, pausing to do a little dance (hip and shoulder waggle) before continuing her sweet little song. She loves helping me out and doing what I do, so we load the washing machine together, take the washing off the dryer, dry our hair with the hair dryer, stir the food on the stove, she's quite the girly little girl and loves carrying bags over her shoulder just like Mummy does. She makes my heart melt 20 times a day, and blows kisses and asks for cuddles which we are more than happy to share with her. I count my blessings daily that this marvellous, delightful little girl is in my life, and that I am tasked with her care and nurture. Now how do I get her to not hit other kids when they have what she wants...

Autumnal delight on a Sunday afternoon stroll...

Hmmm, so, it's still October (well it was when this picture was taken) and it's snowed already. We've gone straight from t-shirts into the heaviest winter weight coats, and I've had to scrape the ice off my windscreen most mornings this week. This is the view we woke up to on Thursday morning. The leaves are still on the trees!!!