Saturday, January 26, 2008

Hello from sunny Perth! After a horrendously jetlagged and exhausting week we have finally almost adjusted to the time zone and temperatures in Perth. We ventured to the beach for the first time today and Sophs had a fabulous time checking out the sand and the surf. It's been quite a week of 'firsts' for our little girl - she sat up unaided for the first time, held an object with both hands at the same time, tried plum, asparagus, broccoli and green beans, swam in a pool, paddled in the ocean, no wonder she is sleeping more during the day and better at night with all these new experiences!

It's Australia Day today and we had a lovely BBQ with Fi, Craig and their prettiest smile-filled little princess Gemma (I can't believe I didn't take any photos of her yet! Will have to fix that next week). I'd forgotten how widely celebrated Australia Day is; the streets were filled with cars flying the Australian flag, and kids at the beach had the flag painted on their face and draped around their shoulders. I lost count of the number of cricket games I saw being played in front yards and parks, and the smell of BBQing still lingers across the city. So, Happy Australia Day from this corner of the world. We're loving it!

Look what I can now do!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Chaos reigns! I know I should be putting in a few days at home every week living quietly and resting up but it just doesn't seem to be happening. I think part of me knows we'll be in Perth soon and I can collapse in a big heap having all the help I could possibly need from my family and friends there. No more doing it all on my lonesome as I do during the working week over here. What bliss! And I'll be getting a bucketload of sunshine and heat as well, bring it on! Just have to make it through the flight first... and finish packing...and sort out a load of things before I go.....
There is some sort of expectation that the older your baby is the easier it gets. Erm, well, sorry to break it to you but my precious little girl still doesn't sleep more than 3-4 hours at a stretch during the night. On a bad night she'll wake up to 8 or 9 times. On a good night she'll wake 2 or 3 times. Having said that, we are in a transitional phase and she is playing around with a few longer stretches, like the 6 blissful hours in a row last night. But most of the time I am knackered, shattered, could audition and probably get the role of lead zombie in any new zombie flick, but am trying to be a functioning adult human being. Sophs just hasn't been one of those babies who sleeps through the night from 6 weeks. She goes to sleep no problems, but staying asleep and not needing food again is currently not on her agenda! I think, hope, wish that once she is on 3 lots of solids a day the sleeping will start settling down more. Fingers crossed. I have a big year lined up, I need some sleep!
My darling beautiful Sophia is the absolute light of my life. She is pure delight and lightens hearts and leaves a trail of smiles in her wake wherever she goes. My precious angel is full of smiles and giggles and seems to be as fond of me as I am of her, tracking me across a room when she is having a cuddle with one of my friends and keeping an eye firmly on me, gifting me with a little grin whenever I get near knowing full well she'll get a huge smile and a shower of kisses from me in return. Who knew you could fall in love with a baby? Not just love, but fall truly, madly, deeply in love with this precious, mysterious, perfect little creature. Being a mum is the best thing I ever did.
Well, back to packing and organising and getting ready for 20 epic hours of flying on Saturday. We're flying Emirates and I hope they live up to their reputation! To the Australian contingent - we're really looking foward to seeing you soon!