Monday, February 16, 2009

After not eating anything since the night before and spending much of the day at home sleeping through a raging fever, I managed, with the assistance of Dino, to get Sophia to have a little yoghurt. She loves sharing her food, and happily proffers spoonfuls of whatever she is eating to whichever toy is sharing her dinner table, whilst making the sweetest little pretend munching sounds. I think Dino wore more yoghurt than she ate, but at least she took a little food and water in. Particularly when she decided that Dino's head would make a fab spoon and started using him to scoop the yoghurt out of the pot with. Spoons? Where we're going, we don't need, spoons. Ten points for naming the movie that line is appropriated from...

I worked from home as much as I could today while Sophs slept, I have 6 working days left and quite a lot to do. I had an online training session scheduled to be delivered via a headset/microphone in an online classroom which Sophia thought she'd come and sit on my lap for, and concur loudly with everything I was saying with a sweet babyish sounding 'yesth' and definite nod of the head. In one part of my training I display a cartoon tiger and ask participants to use various tools to colour it in and decorate it - when the tiger appeared on screen Sophia started doing her generic tiger/lion roar whilst sitting about 10 cm away from my microphone. I had prewarned the participants that they might have an unexpected additional little trainer during the session, but hadn't quite expected such an active contribution! Towards the end of the session the participants were treated to a rendition of Iggle Piggle's song from In the Night Garden, and at the conclusion they were farewelled with a loud 'bye-byyye' and waving at the screen. I'm not sure Sophia will be hired for her training skills, but I hope she brought a touch of levity to the training sessions (not sure I'll include the roaring in my future sessions though...)

Friday, February 06, 2009

3 weeks to go....3 verrrrrrrry long weeks ahead as I do the jobs of two people in my 4 days a week (my colleague is now on maternity leave) whilst also training up a replacement, going to uni 2 nights a week and studying for one full weekend of hypnotherapist training. I'm a bit tired just thinking about it all, but am going to break it down into little chunks in my mind to make it more doable.

Sophia will have to go back to nursery next week, having spent this entire week at home with a nasty viral infection and impressive measles-eque rash covering her little body. She is on the mend, finally. I don't think she's going to be very happy on Monday morning when we drop her off, she quite likes being at home with Mummy or Daddy. I know I won't be very happy on Monday morning leaving her there all day long. 3 weeks to go...

We had a lovely time at Sarah's naming day last weekend - Sophs loved toddling around the church hallway afterwards with this stroller, looking impishly cute in her dress and top from her Godmother. Unfortunately for the other kids there she would have been highly contagious with her virus - the rash appeared on Sunday morning, so we have contacted people to let them know what to look out for and to apologise profusely. I know kids share germs, but this one is a pretty nasty one to share around.

We're finally getting around to getting quotes on some work around the flat - some much needed redecorating in the hallway and refitting some of our cupboards so our stuff fits into them more efficiently! We could redecorate ourselves, but it would mean one would have to keep our small person occupied while the other worked and then vice versa. And it would take us hours and hours which we just don't have at the moment. More time for me though in 3 weeks...

12 working days to go...although technically I have 5 days of leave I'm supposed to take before I finish...!

Some more pics of our snow antics are here.

Monday, February 02, 2009

This is the view from our bedroom window this morning. Couldn't get the car out of the carpark as the driveway up the hill to the exit had iced over. There was 15cm of snow on the ground and still it kept falling. The trains were suspended so Stu worked from home which was convenient as we had to drag/push/slide Sophia in her stroller to the doctor's this morning to identify the mystery rash which had broken out all over her body and face. It is a a viral infection and she is contagious as long as she has the rash, so that's her (and Stu or I) at home for the next few days at least. Fun fun fun!

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Spring? Helloooooooooooo? What's with the snow on the ground outside? The maximum temp of 2 degrees forecast all week, with the real temp being somewhere around minus 4 taking the wind chill into consideration. Winter, I am so over you. You're dumped. Spring, come on in!