Friday, July 02, 2004

Life on the farm

The following is taken from an email from Beth, my 'friend on the farm', describing the fostering of orphaned lambs. All in a day's work apparently!

"Matt is in vet mode and has been saving abandoned lambs on a regular basis and matching them up with ewes that have lost lambs. The whole process is quite involved. It required catching a speedgonzalis ewe in the paddock - trying it up and driving it home on the back of the ute being skillfully supervised by sheep-watcher dog Bonnie -
locking it in a small section of the feedlot...rescuing speedy yet hungry lamb - bringing it into the house and putting it into my laundry basket (ex-laundry basket....way too stinky now) with blanky and hot water bottle and teaching it to suck out of a finger of a rubber washing glove. We get woken at 3.00am by BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Then pairing them up in the feedlot the next day. Mum-to-be - not very excited. Lamsy - WAY excited about the prospect of the living milk bar. Sometimes the ewe bunts the lamb away because she knows it's not hers, which is sad, but other times both are happy all round and become inseparable".