Where do the days go??Hot hot hot!Currently enjoying our fifth day over 27 degrees – the weekend was up to a delightful 33 degrees! My tan is coming along verrrrrry nicely
Holiday! Celebrate!Stu is 30 on July 15, and we’re celebrating it in Dublin. I’ve never been there so recommendations of things to see and do welcomed! Was thinking tour of the Guinness factory, Trinity College, Windmill Street, general wandering and drinking loads of Guinness, and perhaps a gallery. We’re only there three nights, then the day after we get back we’re doing a tour of Arsenal Stadium with former player Bob Wilson. Very exciting And Stu gets a five day birthday celebration!
Exams over – phewAye carumba, the last exam was difficult. I spent a week slothing and doing very little following it. It was the one covering a year’s worth of material, I know I passed but probably not as well as the other two. Three essays to write and 20 short answers, my hand was cramping an hour in! And I got to totally diss Freud for one of them, he’s not my favourite. Very male-centric and places too much emphasis on childhood in forming the adult personality. Yes it probably does have an impact, but so do experiences in adult life. So there!
CoachingContinued on the path to my coaching qualification over the weekend just gone in Warwick, with a two day training course. Next stage is coaching people so I can be assessed on it, so you might be hearing from me soon! Coaching is fascinating, it’s future-focussed and action-based, unlike things like counselling which work from past experiences and don’t set actions. People sometimes confuse the two, but they are different. Coaching is about moving you forward, and kick-starting you into action. So if you’re feeling there’s something you’d like to change in your life, even if you’re not sure what it is, send me email and we can work it through during coaching sessions.
New job…is going well. In my Camden office I can hear a cow (who is called Honey, she did a Houdini last week and was wandering on the driveway when I arrived at work!), there were pigs yesterday, and often sheep too. Vaguely bizarre hearing farm noises in the middle of London! Lovely people, interesting work, embarrassingly short working hours for London, decent money, all in all pretty darn good!