Saturday, October 13, 2007

Nan's here! Mum arrived last week and Sophs is thoroughly enjoying spending time with her Nan, and spends every morning smiling and 'talking' with her and tracking her around the room. I can't believe how much my little girl has grown, looking at someone else holding her I can appreciate just how much she has grown over the past 3 months (12 weeks on Monday next week). She smiles, gurgles, coos, comes out with new sounds almost every day (today was a weird growling type sound!), tries hard to roll over but hasn't quite got it yet, and just hates lying down - sitting propped up gives her her favourite view of the world!

Alas I am not one of those mums whose baby sleeps through from an early age. Sophs is just finishing another growth spurt which meant feeds at 1am, 3am, 5am and 7am for the best part of week. Good thing she coincided it with Mum's visit! I'd forgotten a little bit how debilitating the chronic sleep deprivation can be (she had been feeding 11pm, 3 then 6am, which I was finding very do-able) and my run of the mill cold turned into a nasty chest infection and cough, which Sophs now has a touch of (which didn't help her sleeping). Trying to give liquid painkiller medicine to a baby to calm her cough so she can sleep is an interesting experience involving an element of baby torment - you either hover the milk supply nearby so the mouth is open and then shove the medicine in and then give the milk (cue screwed up expression 'oh my god this tastes ICK Mum!') or you wait until the mouth is open mid cry and then tip it in. Either way doesn't feel good. Hopefully she'll be at full health again soon.

We're doing our first overseas trip in November to a wedding in Dublin. We are treating ourselves to 2 nights in a 5 star hotel as well (after the last 3 months we deserve treating!). It will be interesting to see how Sophs goes on the plane, and I've been doing loads of reading on how to help with the ear pressure on taking off and landing. Luckily it's only a short flight!


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