Thursday, February 23, 2006

We saw 'Goodnight and Good Luck' at our local cinema (The Tricycle!) on Friday last week (it was reading week, did I do any study? No, but I saw two movies and watched a load of Alias!!), the movie about the McCarthy communist witch hunt. It was one of the most striking movies I have seen in years, in style and substance. Black and white, smokey, incredible use of light and shadow, and incredibly relevant to the modern cultural and political climate. It's not a light feel good movie, but it's well worth seeing.

Speaking of movies, we've joined an online DVD library. For a monthly fee we can watch however many DVD's we like that get posted to our door, and include a postgae paid return envelope. It is fabulous, you collect your movies with your mail, can return it whenever you like, there are no late fees, there's no rushing to the video store before they close, and we're yet to find a movie they don't have in stock!


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