Edinburgh pics now up on my website - click here, and unfortunately I appear to have lost the CD with all my Perth photos on it so have to postpone shots from there :( I have one more place to check then I'm putting Plan B into action. Once I work out what it is.
I don't think I've mentioned in a while how much I hate statistics. I'm currently writing up a report on gender, sex roles (as in masculinity and femininity), empathy and systemizing. Basically the data is supporting previous research in that females empathize more then males, and males systemize more than females. Females aren't necessarily feminine, and males aren't necessarily feminine. There's a theory that 'male brains' are affected by exposure to testosterone in the womb, and that women can have 'male' brains, i.e. brains that systemize more than empathise. There's also new research into autism looking at the genetic influence of parents and grandparents. It's controversial, but fascinating. There is never a sole reason for the way someone is born and develops, but there can be contributing factors.
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